So long Adobe Flash


As of today, Adobe's Flash is officially removed from Google Play. They announced last November “we are focusing our work with Flash on PC browsing and mobile apps packaged with Adobe AIR, and will be discontinuing our development of the Flash Player for mobile browsers.“ Android 4.1 wont have any certified implementations of Flash Player. Adobe will use configuration settings in the Google Play Store to limit continued access to Flash Player updates to only those devices that already have Flash Player installed.

If users update to Android 4.1 they may expect unpredictable behavior and Adobe recommends “Future updates to Flash Player will not work.  We recommend uninstalling Flash Player on devices which have been upgraded to Android 4.1.“ Instead of Flash Player users will have to use Adobe Air, which provides same advanced Flash based video features. It can be used for video playack on Android 2.2+ devices, and does not rely on the Flash Player that is integrated within browser.

Adobe stated earlier in November that HTML5 is the way to go, and now they ensure us that they were serious about that. HTML5 is a platform that has much better support and bigger capabilities than Flash ever had. I would just like to remind you of one great man, Steve Jobs, who stated in an open letter  “Flash was created during the PC era - for PCs and mice, but the mobile era is about low power devices, touch interfaces and open web standards - all areas where Flash falls short.” No matter if you are and Android fan or Apple hater you have to give him a credit for being ahead of his time.

[Ed – Flash was not designed for the “PC Era” as Steve Jobs claimed. One of the main reasons that Jobs pushed for killing Flash was that he could embed ads into applications programed with HTML5. He showed this in the debut of iAds. It is also important to note that Jobs was only talking about Flash on the iPhone and iPad. He did not want it included at all and even threatened developers with banishment if they used Flash to develop their apps. Apple still supported it in OSX. This sounds more like a megalomaniac than a visionary.  HTML5 still a significant number of security holes that need to be resolved before it is a viable platform. We expect to see Adobe continue to support Flash, but to simply move it down to Adobe Air. This is something they have been working on doing for a while so the move is not unexpected]

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