Google opening retail stores


By the end of this year, Google should start to open their own retail stores, where they would be offering their products such as Chromebook tablets and Nexus smartphones, to allow potential customers to try them out before buying.

However, the main reason for this move is probably something else - augmented reality goggles Google Glass. Specifically, it is expected that the device will have a very high price, if you take into consideration the price of a prototype Explorer Edition, which cost $1,500 to pre-order. It is supposed to cost between 500 and 1,000 dollars. Therefore, the crucial thing is to allow potential customers to experience for themselves this new piece of equipment, and what’s a better way to present the Google glasses to customers than opening their own stores where they can do it freely.

Google already has their "stores within a store" (within the chain Best Buy and Dixons), in which they have employees whose main job is to inform customers about Google products, while the financial transactions and delivery of Google devices go through Best Buy and Dixons.

[Ed – This is actually becoming more common with manufacturers. Microsoft and Apple have their own stores so we are not surprised to see Google follow suit. To some this move might be seen as counter intuitive to the “online” market, but it is even more important now that many consumers are waking up to the massive amount of FUD and incorrect information about products. They want to go in and tinker with them before shelling out a lot of money on something. We are expecting companies like Samsung, LG and possibly Asus to follow suit in the coming months.]

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