Blizzard has confirmed that they currently do not plan to publish Hearthstone on consoles. Instead consoles, Hearthstone will soon arrive on the Android platform, and Blizzard prepares the first expansion called Curse of Naxxramas beside that.
Judging by Jason Chayes from Blizzard, possible Hearthstone edition for consoles will be seriously considered only if they determine that there is enough interest among the users. From additional content for Hearthstone we're still waiting quite a significant addition, which is Spectator mode. Blizzard's TCG is currently among the most popular titles on Twitch, so to provide the view of the conflict within the client of the game is something they are definitely working on, and more details about the whole thing should be shared in the weeks ahead.
According to Chayes' statement to Eurogamer, future additions for Hearthstone could include additional venues and environments, as well as new game modes, but the specific details of all the facilities that are being prepared are still not available.
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