Is Samsung preparing flexible screen smartphones for 2013?

samsung flexible

Samsung could present a mobile device with a flexible AMOLED screen during the first half of next year. Although stories about the upcoming availability of flexible screens have been circulating for years, Samsung display division is now in its final stage of development of flexible screens for mobile devices, while the latter could be presented in the first half of the 2013. They have already demonstrated some of the mobile devices with bendable displays at the Mobile World Congress trade-show, but they were mostly concept devices.

The information comes from unofficial sources [As usual –Ed], while the technology of flexible AMOLED screens offer several interesting features. In addition to the greater freedom for designers when it comes to device shape, flexible displays can be implemented in very innovative ways, and also are more resistant to shocks and less prone to damage. Samsung has not yet officially commented on this information.

Will this be just a new leap in a good direction for Samsung and are we really going to have flexible smartphones in the very near future? It would be interesting certainly, just imagine how designs would differ from everything we have seen so far. This could also help Samsung get the advantage over Apple, while Nokia is at the same level as far as innovation is concerned. Nokia also showed some of their flexible phones in 2011, but no official dates were given on when we can expect them to hit the market.

[Ed – as we have mentioned before the mobile market is becoming saturated a stale. Right now the race is over minor feature sets and processor speed with nothing truly new and innovative coming to the tablet. Let’s hope that flexible displays are not the only advances we can look forward to in 2013, or we could see the Smartphone market start to stumble…]

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