LG to manufacture smart watch for Google

The Wall Street Journal has information about Google's upcoming smart watch based on Android. The device will serve same as the Nexus line as an example of the reference design of smart watches, sources say.


Manufacturer for the smart watch should be LG with which search giant is also working on the Nexus line of devices, but partnership with additional manufacturers is not impossible. Device should be compatible with a wide range of devices, in contrast to the original Galaxy Gear. Samsung with the next generation of Gear 2 dropped out of Android, and now chose Tizen as its OS.
Expected time of presentation of software for this smart watch is March, and the final launch to the market should be in June when the Google I/O will take place.

[Ed – The “smartwatch” is going to be the device that everyone wants to build. The problem is that no one really knows what the consumer wants. LG, Samsung, Apple and others all appear to want a single device for this fledgling market. To do this there are myriad of products all being thrown at the consumer. This tactic actually puts many consumers off of the concept until they feel they know that the idea of the “smartwatch” is going to be. Based on what we are seeing the smartwatch will end up being a hybrid between a fitness band and a companion device for a smartphone. Anyone want to put bets on how popular that will be?]

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