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Monday, 27 January 2014 15:10

Google rewards Chrome OS hackers

In March of this year during the CanSecWest security conference, fourth consecutive Pwnium competition organized by Google will take place. The aim of the competition is to find vulnerabilities in the Chrome OS, and gather and reward hackers who found mistakes that will not be used in criminal purposes, but their knowledge will help Google to build a more secure operating system. Terms of winning cash prizes are pretty strict, which means that to win the award, founder's failure must be original, which means it must not be previously known or partially published or used in other competitions.

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GoogleGoogle’s previously unassailable Chrome web browser has now been hacked three times in only two days. The first two we have already told you about in a previous article. Vupen a French research company found a 0-day exploit that allowed them to jump out of Google’s Sand Box and then another that allowed them to execute arbitrary code on the OS that Chrome was installed on (in this case Windows). Vupen did this as part of the Pwn2Own competition held every year.

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