Thermaltake Tt eSports MEKA G1 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Review - The Box and Goodies

kb01In order to combat the growing popularity of console gaming (and also to support a growing population of gamers) many peripheral companies began to invest money into making real devices to support gaming on the PC. We have seen many of these products (usually mice of game controllers), but with the exception of a few of the mice we were not all that impressed with them. That is until we started to see the first mechanical switch based keyboards. As we spend a large amount of time behind the keyboard (and also still game) we had a serious interest in these devices. Most of them are centered on the Cherry MX switch. These mechanical switches come in different colors; each of these has different properties. We have shown you blue and brown and what they each bring to the table. Now we are going to take a look at the Thermaltake Tt eSports MEKA G1 Mechanical gaming keyboard. This product takes a little different tack on switches and has opted for Cherry MX Black. So let’s dive in and see if the MEKA G1 will be worth the $100 Thermaltake wants for it.

The Box and Goodies -
As you might imagine the Tt eSports MEKA G1 comes in a flat box. It is a keyboard after all and does not need to be very thick. It is quite wide and rather heavy when compared to its size. This is a very good thing as it indicated the actual keyboard is heavy as well and should not slide around your desk when in use.  On the front of the box you get a picture of the MEKA G1 and some other information (check out our video for more details).

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The back of the box is simple and is only a rehash of what was on the front. After you open the box you have a nice insert that shows you what the MEKA G1 looks like (if you did not get that from the picture on the front). There are also some additional marketing statements on the box. Under that, well there is not all that much to be honest other than a couple of booklets and the MEKA G1 and palm rest.

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