Microsoft's Decline Isn't Stopping, Even With Windows 8 Coming Tomorrow

MS Sphere

If current trends continue, by 2016, Microsoft will no longer be the dominant operating system in the world. That title will go to Android, as more and more mobile devices are sold, and the PC market stagnates further. Or, so says a research firm known as Gartner.

Mobile computing is obviously the way of the future as far as consumers are concerned. PCs may continue to have a place in the professional world, but who wants to lug around a laptop when your phone can do the same thing(s)? These predictions may come as a shock to those of us who have grown up in the early 1990's when Windows 3.1, 95, and 98 were all the rave.

Not only have devices gotten smaller, more compact, and faster, but so has programming. Android's stock operating system has roughly 1 million lines of code. Compare this to Windows XP's over 45 Million lines of code. Software run on the operating systems differs greatly as well. A full fledged install of any given program on a computer requires many more lines of code to accommodate all that a regular PC can do, function wise. A mobile app, however, is a trimmed down piece of software that does a specific function in a specific environment, making it much smaller and streamlined.

There are many other reasons for the technology trends that are commonplace now, but what do you think? Would you buy a computer that ran an Android OS? Would you expect to be able to play a MMO on a tablet? Can the giant that is Microsoft be toppled this soon? Let us know on the Decrypted Tech forum or Facebook page!

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